The Seed Sector Platform Secretariat was developed to organize National Seed Sector Platform Meeting biannually which was agreed in Myanmar Seed Sector Roadmap. The platform secretariat was approved by Director General of Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation in October 2017. It involves 2 private sector, 3 public sector, 3 development partners and 1 Regional Seed Grower Association. First seed sector platform secretariat meeting was hold on 13 February at Director's office of Seed Division, Yangon. It was chaired by Daw Win Win Myint, Deputy Director, Seed Division (see photo) and all the members of secretariat were attended. During the meeting, Terms of Reference of Platform Secretariat, outcomes of Technical Seed Committee, progress of Myanmar Seed Association were discussed and agenda for National Seed Sector Platform Meeting was brainstormed.